Moim Mornings: Jerry Truong
by Joe Han

Jerry and I first met while working together at Kumquat Highland Park. Passionate is the word that best describes him—passionate about making a good cup of coffee, creating beautiful ceramics, and providing a holistic hospitality experience. Today, I wanted to learn more about Jerry’s journey into the coffee industry and his discovery of ceramics. Recently, he moved to Korea for two months to apprentice under a master ceramicist in Incheon. Since then, he has been refining his craft and developing his unique style.

What did your journey look like to where you are now? Was it where you thought it'd be?
Hey, my name is Jerry Minh Truong, and I'm a multidisciplinary artist born and raised in Highland Park. Over the years, I've pursued various career paths in performing arts, education, medicine, and now, currently, coffee and ceramics.
I originally thought I'd be doing the typical 9-5 while balancing a hobby on the side. After many odd jobs along with the work toll of the pandemic, I took the risk to switch out of medicine to find myself building a career in service and arts.

What does a typical morning look like for you?
I spend my mornings prepping for the upcoming day. Currently, I wake up early, throw on a podcast/audio book, and walk around the neighborhood. Afterwards I make myself a cup of coffee, map out the projects/orders I need to work on, messages I need to write, and then do a couple practice forms on the home wheel before heading to the community studio at noon.
Where do you look to gain more inspiration?
When I have the opportunity, my greatest source of inspiration is watching children be children. They reflect to us what the world looks like without the filters that we develop as adults.

Is there anything outside of your career that continues to excite you?
Finding good music. Send them my way!
What does the word "gathering" mean to you?
First thing that comes to mind is this house I grew up in. After escaping, grandma bought this house, and one-by-one brought the rest of the family over. This house was home base for everyone. Birthdays, weddings, graduations, death anniversaries were all celebrated here. Growing up here taught me that hosting a good gathering was all in the preparation. Soups simmering for hours, charging the karaoke, counting the playing cards; everything and everyone was thought of. Down to the cut fruit platters to end the night, the attention and care was always there. I guess where I am now is in better alignment with my roots. The work I create is an evolution and homage to the cut fruit. Made with care and made for everyone.